Background and Challenges

A financial services investment company approached us to help with their niche product. As this company are still a client of ours and we are under NDA we can't release the name of the client. However, their website has been live for around 12 years and had age and authority. What it was missing was traffic that converted into applications. PPC had been tried before and, bidding exact match, on the key product term costed £15+ per click. In short PPC would be a great way to spend money without an obvious return. Thankfully, the client realised the power of organic search and was keen to invest for the long term.

The Strategy

A belt and braces approach. Was the website technically sound? How much content was on the homepage and supporting links and content that supported it? This is what we needed to isolate first off.

Next we set about aggressively building links to the website and producing blog content that targeted their 'money' keyword which linked to the homepage.

We have replicated this approach over nearly 24 months now and the results are impressive, to say the least.


The screenshot below shows the increase in organic traffic since we started working on the project:

The screenshot below shows keyword improvement and, also the value of traffic (per month) if it were to be bought using the Google Ads auction: 

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