How to Test if Your Website is Mobile-Friendly | SearchUp

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It’s no secret that mobile browsing is on the rise. Google have made a lot of algorithm changes in recent years to accommodate this and to ensure that people searching from a mobile device get the best results possible.

On 21/04/2015, Google will be rolling out yet another mobile-friendly algorithm update and have been quoted as saying it will have a “significant impact”. Google’s very own Zineb Ait Bahajji said at the Search Marketing Expo in Munich that it will have more of an impact on Google’s search results than the Google Panda and Google Penguin updates have.

With this in mind, there has never been a better time to test whether your website is mobile-friendly. Below, I have listed two ways which can be used to test this, using Google’s very own technology.

Search for your website on a mobile device

Google introduced a feature within the results page that displays whether a website is mobile-friendly or not. This means that one way to test if your website is mobile-friendly or not is to search for it. One way is to use the following search string in Google on a mobile device:

SearchUp mobile friendly test

Google Webmaster Tools

One of the best ways to test if Google considers your website to be mobile-friendly is to use the Google Webmaster Tools Mobile Friendly Test.

All you have to do is enter your website URL and click ‘Analyze’.

google webmaster tools mobile friendly test

The results will then come back and will let you know if your page is mobile-friendly or not.

google webmaster tools mobile friendly test result

I hope that you have found this post useful in helping you find out if your website and its pages are mobile-friendly. At SearchUp, we have always recommended a mobile-friendly website. Why wouldn’t we? Usability is key and it’s no secret that mobile browsing is huge. Google emphasise that you need to build websites for users, not search engine crawlers.

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